A Timeless Collection from a Father in the Faith

A Timeless Collection from a Father in the Faith

Deepen your faith with a new understanding of God’s Word and the power of the Holy Spirit by learning from one of the greatest fathers in the faith: Pastor Jack Hayford. If you look beyond the large number of books he wrote, the hundreds of songs he composed, and his decades of faithful ministry, you’ll find a man whose life was characterized by his deep and abiding passion to hear and obey God’s voice through the Holy Spirit and God’s Word.


Through his humble leadership and timeless wisdom, Pastor Jack’s books set the stage for believers, both young and old, to experience God’s presence in a life-changing way. This beautiful collection features five of Pastor Jack’s poignant and powerful books on prayer, worship, and God’s will.

The modern landscape of worship would look very different if it were not for Pastor Jack. He’s truly a worship pioneer, and Majesty is his signature work on the topic. He teaches that we’re all worshippers, even if we don’t recognize it. Some people worship their jobs. Some worship money. Some worship possessions. Some people worship goals or desires. Some worship pleasure. Some of us even worship God! In this timeless treasure, Pastor Jack shares that whenever we gather to worship we should pray for God to rest in the center of our midst as our voices join with the saints, elders, and angels in giving Him the glory that He alone deserves.

The Beauty of Spiritual Language
Pastor Jack’s writing of The Beauty of Spiritual Language was prompted by his desire for others to receive God’s fullest resources and a passion for something biblical that will draw them nearer to His heart in prayer. He believed these pursuits assist us in exalting God more grandly in private praise. He uses the more contemporary term spiritual language for the simple reason that it’s an easier way to describe speaking with tongues. Even though tongues is a biblical expression, it tends to bring up strange images in people’s minds: images of uncontrolled speech or weird gibberish emitted from someone who has fallen into a trance.

Pastor Jack wrote this book in hopes that his testimony would provide a bridge over very troubled waters, so nothing becomes a dead-end street. His deepest desire was for your heart to be warmed as you read about his journey toward the heart of God and the good things the Lord deems spiritually profitable and fulfilling. His story is a celebration of God’s power and an invitation to boldly draw near to God.

Secrets of Intercessory Prayer
Pouring his heart, wisdom, and experience into Secrets of Intercessory Prayer, Pastor Jack explores the reason for tension within relationships and instructs us on how to pray effectively over those we love and those in our sphere of influence. The power of God’s redemptive plan covers every heartbreaking experience, and His plan includes restoration and a new beginning. For Pastor Jack, two essential qualities in praying for others are patience and a willingness to trust God in their lives. Rather than “winning” a loved one to Jesus with our own plans, he exhorts us to live loving lives that are attractive and compelling, so people will walk with Jesus as we do.

Awaken Prayer
Throughout his ministry spanning more than five decades, Pastor Jack fervently underscored the significance of a vibrant prayer life in one’s personal faith journey and within the body of Christ. In Awaken Prayer, he calls believers to embrace their priestly roles as vigilant watchmen entrusted with the spiritual care and protection of their families, churches, cities, and nations. Intercession, as Pastor Jack says, transcends the mere act of petitioning God on behalf of others. It stands as a dynamic form of spiritual warfare and a remarkable transformational power that springs to life when everyday believers commit to lives characterized by integrity, prayer, and fasting. As the Church unites in fervent intercessory prayer, the kingdom of God advances, and the kingdom of darkness is displaced.

Pursuing the Will of God
Pursuing the Will of God stands as a beacon of Pastor Jack’s profound understanding of the intricate dance between divine providence and human agency. What does it really mean to know and follow God's plan? Before he was “Pastor Jack,” the author had dreams of being a pharmacist. Little did he know that surrendering his dream to God’s plan would alter the course of so many destinies.

In the same way, Abraham was a man who heard and followed God’s voice into the unknown. Pastor Jack explores the pivotal moments shaping Abraham’s faith and shares how obedience leads to unimaginable blessings. Abraham’s journey was not without trials and tribulations as he learned to discern God’s will. Often, Abraham stumbled, but he never fell without the Lord picking him up and dusting him off. God is passionate about our relationship with Him and our relationships with each other. It’s how we are wired and designed—each made in the image of our Creator to love and care for one another.


© 2024 Gateway Publishing



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JACK HAYFORD wrote or collaborated on over 100 books and composed over 600 songs. He was the founding pastor of The Church On The Way in Van Nuys, California, where he served as the senior pastor for more than three decades. Pastor Jack also served as the Chancellor Emeritus of The King’s University and an apostolic elder at Gateway Church in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas.

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