How to Use the Fresh Start Bible in Your Small Group

How to Use the Fresh Start Bible in Your Small Group

The Fresh Start Bible includes two programs and three studies that are designed to be self-paced and explored in a small group setting. Each program or study includes questions for group discussion, so we provide a Leader Guide with a suggested method for facilitating a small group.

Before you meet, ask God to prepare the hearts and minds of the people in your group. Read the key Scripture passage and the lesson. Remember to take notes that will help you lead the group. And then plan how much time you’ll give to each portion of your meeting. See our suggested small group schedule below.

  • Engage and Recap (10 Minutes)
  • Read (15 minutes)
  • Talk (25 Minutes)
  • Pray (10 Minutes)

We encourage you to engage the group with an icebreaker question. This will help get the group talking and feeling comfortable.

Recap the previous lesson and invite members to discuss what they have learned. (This does not apply to the first meeting).

Read or summarize the key Scripture and the lesson aloud. You may want to read selections and summarize the rest of the passage if your time is limited.

Talk! The questions in these lessons are intentionally open-ended. Use them to help the group reflect.

Ask group members to share their concerns and then pray together.

In the Leader Guide, we talk about the keys to a dynamic small group. One of the important components is taking the time to build meaningful relationships. And remember to create a fun atmosphere!

Fresh Start Bible is available now for pre-order and officially releases November 15th!


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