Follow Me: Timing is Key

Follow Me: Timing is Key

“Spend only a few moments with Mary Jo Pierce, and you will know you are walking with someone who lives the gospel. This remarkable woman is my spiritual mother, and through her writing, she has become a spiritual mother to us all.”­ – Tiffini Kilgore

In Follow Me, Mary Jo Pierce shares how every believer can have deep, meaningful conversations with Jesus. This author’s love for the Lord, His Word, and His voice is evident on every page, and we are honored to feature her words this Mother’s Day.

John 7

Timing is key to being at the right place at the right time. Our passion for serving, for souls, for salvations, for the Church, for loved ones, and for [our own satisfaction] can easily get us out of sync with the timing of God.

Jesus demonstrated over and over again how timing positions us for God’s purposes to be accomplished and for His power to break through the most hardened, dark, impossible situations.

In John 7, Jesus addresses the most important element of partnership with Him. It’s not where or what or how or why. Rather, it’s who. 

Jesus clearly knew who He was and what His mission was. He was tethered to the will of the Father and filled and empowered with the Holy Spirit. He was God and man.

When exactly did this knowing, this revelation, come in full? The Bible doesn’t say. Was it as a young boy as He learned the Scriptures? When He taught the rabbis or questioned His timing with His mother? Was it during the 40 days of fasting? We just don’t know.

But this we do know: Jesus came to a full realization of who He was and what He was on earth to accomplish.

Through the Scriptures, we get to walk with the wisest Man who ever lived. Following closely and covered with the Rabbi’s dust, we see how He loved, lived, served, and spoke. What was important to Him becomes important to us.

Look at the conversations you’ve had with Jesus. See how loving and patient and kind He is—how merciful and generous and grace-filled in drawing you near. How wisely and consistently He leads. And always pointing us to the Father.

We are wishing all of the mothers a wonderful weekend with their families. God Bless!

If you are eager to read more of Follow Me, click the link here to purchase the eBook or physical copy!


Copyright © 2018 by Mary Jo Pierce

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