Bonnie Saul Wilks' Challah (Sabbath Bread)

Bonnie Saul Wilks' Challah (Sabbath Bread)

Challah (Sabbath Bread)

  • 1/2 cup oil
  • 1 cup honey
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 4 eggs
  • 3 packages dried yeast, dissolved in 1 cup warm ( 75-120 degrees) water
  • 2 cups additional warm water
  • 8-10 cups flour

Step 1: Mix the ingredients, putting the oil into the bowl first and then measure and add the honey, using the same measuring cup you measured the oil. This little trick allows the honey to run smoothly out of the measuring cup. 

Step 2: Add the remaining ingredients in the order given above.

Step 3: Knead for approximately ten minutes and transfer the dough into an oiled bowl.

Step 4: Let the dough rise in a large bowl that has been coated with oil. When transferring the dough into the oiled bowl, be sure to turn it on all sides so that it gets a thin coating of oil. 

Step 5: Place the bowl in a warm place until the dough is double in size.

Step 6: Punch it down, and knead a bit more. 

Step 7: Place the dough back in the bowl and let it rise a second time. This should take about one hour. 

Step 8: Punch down and cut into sizes desired. For two medium loaves, divide into six strands. Make two loaves of three-braided strands. 

Step 9: When the breads are shaped, brush them generously with egg yolk, melted butter, and honey, and sprinkle either poppy seeds or sesame seeds on the loaves. 

Step 10: Bake in 350 degree oven for approximately 25-30 minutes or until the challah sounds hollow when tapped on the bottom. 

Step 11: ENJOY!

To learn more about the Sabbath celebration, be sure to check out Sabbath: A Gift of Time, which includes seven authentic Sabbath recipes. 

Purchase Sabbath: A Gift of Time

Copyright © 2008, 2019 Bonnie Saul Wilks 

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