Unlocking the Door to Blessing

Unlocking the Door to Blessing


God has placed a high calling on marriages to reflect Him, but how in the world do we get to a place where we can do that? We have learned that there is only one way to honor our Maker and become one: both of us have to die to self.

If you have a relationship with God today, you have received it through death. Jesus died for you; His death gave you life. And you only received the life He offered by choosing to die to yourself as well.

Worldly logic tells us that death brings only grief, finality, and loss. Death should be mourned, not embraced. Only when we have Kingdom vision does the truth about death come alive. Just as Jesus’ death opened the door of life to millions who would follow Him, your choice to die will open the door to new life in your marriage.

What would it look like if you joined your spirit with your spouse’s spirit, the two of you joined with the Spirit of God, and all three of you were moving in the same direction, unified with the same purpose? Do you think that would look like a successful marriage? You bet it would!

So, how did you become one spirit with the Lord? We’ve already said it—you died. You died to your will, your desires, and your way. How can you become one spirit with your spouse? You die. You die to your agenda. You yield the right of way. You step down from first place and lift your spouse up instead. You must be able to say, “I’ll die so that you can live.”

Did you know that God designed marriage to help you die? He did not give you your spouse so that you could be happy and in love and grow old with him or her. His greatest desire for you is that you die to self. Why? Because the Bible tells us that God’s plan for our lives is for us to become like Jesus. When you die to self and live for your spouse, you look like Jesus. And by the way, you are also happy and in love!

As believers, what happens when our bodies die? We go to heaven. Well, guess what? The same thing happens in our marriages when we die—we go to heaven. Marriage becomes heaven on earth when we die to ourselves. Heaven is heaven because it is a community of people who act like Jesus. Your home could be the same type of place: two people living like Jesus, enjoying the bliss of heaven on earth.

Purchase The Blessed Marriage

Copyright © 2006 Robert and Debbie Morris

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