NEW! Robert Morris Study Curriculum

NEW! Robert Morris Study Curriculum

Are you looking for the next study curriculum for your small group or individual reflection? We just released 3 NEW Robert Morris Study Guides and DVD's!

1. God Is ...

God is study guide and dvd Robert Morris

It’s important to have a healthy view of God—one that is based not on your feelings or opinions. Your beliefs about God influence how you live, how you view yourself and others, and even how you respond to life’s trials. Your understanding about God also affects your relationship with Him and should be based on the truth of the Bible.

2. 3 Steps to Victory

3 steps to victory study guide and dvd Robert Morris

Lasting victory is only three steps away. Do you struggle spiritually, physically, professionally, or in your closest relationships? We all want success in every area of life. Here is the good news: if you are a follower of Jesus, He has already given you a way to overcome these struggles.


3. Sons not Servants

Sons not servants study guide and dvd Robert Morris

One of the most powerful parables Jesus told is about the prodigal son in Luke 15. This young man made many mistakes and felt unworthy of an intimate relationship with his father. Believers today often think that their mistakes disqualify them from being children of God, but our heavenly Father does not see it that way. God gives every believer a robe of righteousness, a ring of authority, and shoes of sonship, which reflect the glorious truth of our relationship with Him.


Check out more Robert Morris Study Curriculum below!

  • The Blessed Life Study GuideOur culture is saturated with false teaching on what it means to be blessed, but what does the Bible say about it? How can we truly live blessed lives? Thought-provoking questions prompt the reader to record responses on lines available in the book. The convenient lay-flat binding makes it easy to write answers.
  • The Blessed Life DVDThis DVD is a companion to The Blessed Life Study Guide.
  • Frequency Study GuideGod is speaking all the time and in multiple ways: Are you tuned in to the right frequency? Thought provoking questions for each chapter help readers gain a better understanding of how to recognize God’s voice, value the voice of the Lord, and grow in relationship with God by developing consistent time with Him in His Word.
  • The God I Never Knew Study Guide: The Holy Spirit can be misinterpreted as confusing, controversial, and weird. People often see the Holy Spirit as an “it” and don’t believe Him to be a person who can be understood and welcomed. The Holy Spirit wants to have a relationship with you. He has committed Himself to be your teacher, comforter, and guide.
  • The God I Never Knew DVDThis three disc DVD series is a companion to The God I Never Knew Study Guide
  • A Way in the Wilderness Study GuidePastor Robert shows us how Jesus is the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecies about the coming Messiah. When you place your hope and trust in Jesus, He transforms your wilderness into a lush garden overflowing with abundance.The Messiah did not come to condemn us but to save us.
  • A Way in the Wilderness DVDThis DVD is a companion to the A Way in the Wilderness Study Guide
  • The Kings of Babylon Study GuideIn the book of Daniel, the reigns of four powerful kings—Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, Darius, and Cyrus the Great—stand out as significant symbols during the Jewish people’s 70 years in Babylonian captivity. Pastor Robert Morris brings to life the stories of these four ancient kings and relates them to the struggles God’s people still face today.
  • The Kings of Babylon DVDThis DVD is a companion to the The Kings of Babylon Study Guide
  • Eternity Study GuideYou have probably been asked that question by a preacher or others with the best intentions, but did they explain what eternity really means? Have you taken the time to think about how your decisions today will affect your destiny? Where will you spend eternity?
  • Eternity DVDThis DVD is a companion to the Eternity Study Guide
  • More than Words Study GuideIn this series, Pastor Robert Morris explains how the Bible offers life-giving revelation and power if we know how to read it. He dives into how you can read the Bible, experience the miracles within it, and discover the answers you need.
  • More than Words DVDThis DVD is a companion to the More Than Words Study Guide 
  • Blessed Families Study GuideEvery person comes from a broken family. The spiritual genetic tendencies from Adam and Eve have been passed down to us through the curse of the fall. But Jesus came to redeem us from the curse! In this series, you will learn about God’s design for families and how they can move from broken to blessed.
  • Blessed Families DVD: This DVD is a companion to the Blessed Families Study Guide
  • RELAT10NSHIP Study GuideGod gave us the Ten Commandments as a way to have a deeper relationship with Him. Each commandment contains a principle that allows us to live freely with God and others. The sessions will help you grow deeper in your relationship with God as you discover His heart behind the Ten Commandments.
  • RELAT10NSHIP DVD: This DVD is a companion to the RELAT10NSHIP Study Guide
  • The End Study GuideWhat you believe about death and eternity will determine how you live. The afterlife is mysterious and can often be scary and overwhelming to think about. Robert Morris provides answers to many common questions about the end times and shares practical wisdom for living in the present.
  • The End DVDThis DVD is a companion to The End Study Guide
  • Why Am I Here? Study GuideNo one can derail your destiny but you. Every person has a God-given purpose. How do you know what yours is, and how do you begin to pursue it? Robert Morris illuminates the answers to these common questions: What am I supposed to do with my life? What is my purpose on earth? Why am I even here?
  • Why Am I Here? DVD: This DVD is a companion to the Why Am I Here? Study Guide
  • Lost and Found Study GuideGod will pursue you until you’re found. Through the parable of the prodigal son in Luke 16, Robert Morris examines how God passionately desires a relationship with us. Even when we wander, He never gives up. No matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done, the Father is waiting to welcome you home.
  • Lost and Found DVDThis DVD is a companion to the Lost and Found Study Guide
  • REAL Study GuidePeople often feel ill-equipped to share their faith. They either don’t know how to start the conversation, or they don’t want to appear pushy. They fear failure, so they just leave it up to the pastor to share the gospel on the weekends. Through the messages, Robert Morris teaches believers how to share their stories with confidence and become REAL witnesses.
  • REAL DVDThis DVD is a companion to the REAL DVD
  • Words: Life or Death Study GuideDoes your mouth get you into trouble? The tongue is powerful and humanly untamable. We often misuse this power to lie, curse, slander, or gossip. Negative or careless words open the door to the enemy and leave a trail of hurt. The good news is words can also be cleansing and encouraging. When used with honor, they can connect us with God and one another.
  • Words: Life or Death DVD: This DVD is a companion to the Words: Life or Death Study Guide
  • Living In His Presence Study GuideGod has given you everything you need to live in His presence right now! These sessions will help you change the way you think about your relationship with God and start walking with Him, regardless of your circumstances. You will learn how to overcome any strongholds of sin and express your love to God through worship.
  • Living In His Presence DVDThis DVD is a companion to the Living In His Presence Study Guide

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